

不伦瑞克社区学院致力于确保不分种族平等地获得教育项目和就业机会, 性/性别, sexual orientation, national origin, 祖先, color, langu年龄 use, 宗教, religious creed, 年龄, marital status, 性别, 性别 identity, 性别 expression, cancer-related or genetic-related medical condition, 残疾, 怀孕, perceived 怀孕, citizenship status, military service status, 或任何其他受法律保护的身份(包括1972年教育修正案第九条). 因此, 学生, 员工, 申请人和不伦瑞克社区学院社区的其他成员(包括但不限于), 供应商, 游客, 客人)不得因受保护的特征而受到歧视或骚扰或其他不利待遇. This includes, without limitation, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and 跟踪. 类似的, the College will not tolerate harassing, 暴力, intimidating or discriminatory conduct by its 学生, 员工或任何其他成员或访客的大学社区.

性骚扰和性暴力是第九条禁止的性别歧视形式, as outlined in the U.S. Department of Education’s Dear Colleague Letter, 2011 2020 Final Rule. 第九条还禁止对提出或参与性别歧视投诉的人进行报复, 看到 U.S. Department of Education, Dear Colleague Letter, 20112020 Final Rule. For more information about 第九条 in general, visit the U.S. Department of Education’s website.

联系 Us

不伦瑞克社区学院鼓励个人立即向第九条协调员报告所有基于性别的不当行为, or another College staff or faculty member. You may make a report to the Coordinators noted below.  不伦瑞克社区学院指定两个人担任第九条协调员. 一个人处理与员工有关的事件,另一个人处理与学生有关的事件. 第九条协调员主要负责协调与入学有关的工作, investigation, resolution, and implementation of any supportive measures to stop, 纠正, and prevent sexual harassment, and retaliation prohibited under this policy.

Employee Related Incidents:

Latoya Young
Director of Human 资源
50 College Rd.
A Building Office #268
Bolivia, NC 28422

Student Related Incidents:

Kerry Cantwell
Chair, College Transitions, Social Sciences & 人文学科
B Building Office #114


Unlawful Discriminatory Behaviors Under 第九条

Dating Violence is violence on the basis of sex, committed by a person who is in a social, romantic or intimate relationship.

Domestic Violence is violence on the basis of sex, 投诉人现任或前任配偶或亲密伴侣犯下的罪行.

Retaliation may be verbal, 非语言的, 公开的或微妙的,是针对任何报告或参与调查第九条指控的人采取的行动.

性骚扰是包括性骚扰罪在内的总括性范畴, sexual assault, 跟踪, and dating violence and domestic violence.


跟踪是一种基于性的行为, 针对一个特定的人,会导致那个人担心他们的安全或遭受情绪困扰.

Confidential Versus Mandatory Reporters

所有det365手机版官网员工都是强制性报告人,并应立即向有关官员报告实际或怀疑的性骚扰或报复行为, with only limited exceptions. In some cases, 报告个人可以寻找被认为是机密资源的大学人员. These individuals, due to the nature of the support they can offer, will upon request by the reporting individual, keep the details of an incident confidential. det365手机版官网的这些人是校内持牌专业咨询师和以下列出的其他咨询人员.

Tanya Lance M.Ed., LCAS, LCMHC
Success Coach/Counselor
50 College Rd.
A Building Office #128
Bolivia, NC 28422

College and Community 资源

For an emergency, dial “911″. 不伦瑞克县紧急服务中心(911)将立即通过无线电和电话通知det365手机版官网警长代表. For non-emergencies, dial 910-755-7330 (office). 如需匿名留言,请拨打910-755-7410(非紧急情况),并通过录音线路或电子邮件(tipline@brunswickcc)留言.edu. 所有的电子邮件和电话信息每天都会检查几次,所有的信息都会及时处理.

Click to 看到 various community support services that are available to assist.

Training Materials

不伦瑞克社区学院利用第九条管理人员协会(ATIXA)为所有担任第九条协调员和调查员的员工提供的培训. 其他职位,如顾问和决策者,则根据具体情况与外部个人签约,并在雇用时核实他们的培训情况.


Coordinator Training

Investigator Training


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